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Side effects of cell phone on children

We can see that there are many side effects of cell phone on children. We also can see that children are so busy in using smartphone/cell phone all over the world. In today's generation we can see that most of the children have smartphone in their hands. Some are busy in talking to their friends for long hours, some are busy in social media, YouTube, gaming etc. In 24 hours children spend most of their time in using smartphone/cell phone. We can't ignore that using cell phone most of the time will greatly affect our health. Most of the parents are worried about the harmful effects of cell phone on their children.

Harmful effects of cell phone on children

1. Sleep disorder

Using smartphone/cell phone can cause sleep disorder. When we are talking to our friends we spend hours while talking to them and don't even feel that how they are affecting our health. Children set alarm on their cell phone and keep the cell phone close while sleeping. Due to which radiation which are releasing from cell phone can affect our brain and can cause sleep disorder. When we kept cell phone close while sleeping we can't sleep properly due to cell phone vibration. So, try to keep your cell phone away from you while sleeping or try to put cell phone in another room while sleeping.

2. Neck and back pain

A healthy spine is one of the best factor of our good health. When we are using cell phone for couple of hours per day, we are destroying our neck and back muscles. We start feeling neck and back pain. So, try to avoid using cell phone for couple of hours. If not possible then start taking break when you are using cell phone and relieve your back and neck.

3. Effect on academics and hobbies

Children's are addicted to cell phone due to which they are losing interest in their hobbies and also get distracted from studies. Children are not interested in going outside to play game because they are more interested in playing game in cell phone. This behavior of children affects not only their hobbies and academics performance but also affects their personality. So, try to keep your children away from cell phone/smartphone.

4. Aggressive behavior towards family

When we are using cell phone our mind is so busy that when some family member try to talk with their children they get aggressive. Children also become more violent and aggressive even at normal discussions. Children are stop communicating with their family member and this is the worst thing. 

Tips to decrease the risk of cell phone

  • Do not give cell phone to children who are under 16. 
  • When you are using cell phone try to make 16 inches gap between you and your cell phone.
  • Try to avoid giving cell phone to children for long hours.
  • Always use headphone/earphone while talking
  • Do not give cell phone to children when they are going to school.
  • Do not kept mobile phone in children room at night.


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