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Health Benefits of Strawberry

 Research has shown that strawberries enhance defense system of our body and play a vital role in health maintenance. Strawberries also contain high content of vitamin-C which boosts defense system of the body. Other vitamins, mineral and substances present not only enhance cells functions but also prevent heart problems. 
Strawberries contain fiber, silicon, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, folic acid, phytochemicals, vitamin-B2 and vitamin B6. It is beneficial for joint pains. Anti aging chemicals present in strawberries prevent wrinkles from developing, giving a younger look. Phytochemicals present in strawberries maintain cholesterol level of the body, while potassium and magnesium controls high blood pressure.
You can save yourself from day-to-day virus attacks if you take strawberries regularly. Strawberries contain mineral called boron which increases sex hormones in women and prove helpful in sexual related diseases. Strawberries are also beneficial for weak bones and teeth problems.
If you feel thirsty all the time, eat strawberries! Strawberries not only refresh skin but also finish pimples and spots on face, thereby giving a clearer look.

let’s have an indebt look at Strawberries enormous benefits

  • Among the 50 best antioxidant foods strawberries are ranked at number four after blackberries, cranberries, and raspberries. High antioxidants save our body from excess of free radicals. These free radicals are a major cause behind eye problems and other muscular degeneration diseases.
  • Strawberries are known to inhibit and halt the movement of carcinogen-cancer causative agents. Thanks to anti-inflammatory agents, vitamin c, kaempferol which make a strong defense mechanism against cancer.
  • Strawberries slow down aging process! With growing age come problems like losing memory, shivering and weak remembrance power. Actually, free radicals present in blood cause degeneration of brain tissues resulting in adverse effects on nervous system. But don’t you worry; strawberries are there to help you out! High vitamin c and phytochemicals neutralize the effects of oxidants and also revitalize the aging systems.
  • Strawberries contain folate which is known to protect from birth-defects, helping in child nourishment during pregnancy and maintaining proper structure of bones.
  • A cup of strawberries contain 21% of manganese which is essential for numerous cardiovascular diseases. It reduces cellular inflammation and plays a leading role in coping with free radicals and oxidants.
  • High concentration of iodine in strawberries ensures proper functioning of thyroid gland and nervous system.
  • Are you a heart patient? Do you have weak cardiac muscles and high cholesterol level? Then strawberries are made for you! No fats, folate, phytochemicals and vitamin c form a health shield around cardiac muscles and effectively reduce cholesterol level. Potassium and magnesium present controls blood pressure produced by excess intake of sodium.
Hard, shiny, dark red, normal size and crown of green leaves are the indicators of a fresh strawberry. Strawberries with yellow spots, light red or light green color are not fresh. Experts say that strawberries must be washed before use. Moreover, refrigerating strawberries for more than two days can be harmful. Patients of kidneys, pancreas and liver must avoid strawberries.
Some remedies of strawberries are as follows

Strawberry face mask

Women who have brown color or have complain of pimples and spots must use this face mask. It will enlighten their skin. First crush some strawberries. Take wheat barley, honey, rose water and mix them all in crushed strawberries. Spread the prepared mixture on your face and gently rub. Leave the mask intact for 15 minutes and wash with warm water later on. You can use this face mask once every three days.

Strawberry yogurts shake

1 cup yogurt, 1 cup milk, 8 strawberries, 3 spoons of white sugar and ice. Blend them all in a blender and here it is; a delicious yogurt shake is ready. Serve it to your guest and enjoy the appraisal!

Strawberry tooth paste!

Brush your teeth with mashed strawberries for a more whitening look. But be aware! Immediately brush your teeth with a fluoride tooth paste afterwards as acidic nature of strawberries are not good for teeth.

Strawberries for silky, glossy hair

Take 8 strawberries and one table spoon mayonnaise. Mix ingredients together and apply on damp hair. Covering hair with a shower cap and a warm towel is recommended. Wait for at least 10 minutes and then shampoo as usual.


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