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Importance of vitamins for women

Importance of Vitamins for Women

Vitamins are a vital part of being healthy. Only 7% of women have such a well-balanced diet that they are not in need of any dietary supplements. For the rest of us, taking vitamins to compensate for what we are lacking will help us to maintain optimum health, which should include physical activity as well. The following vitamins are essential for women so be sure that you are including them as a part of your daily diet:


Vitamin A can be found in beef liver, egg yolk, cheddar cheese, fortified milk, fruits and vegetables, especially in carrots. They are loaded with vitamin A. It is good for your eyesight, helping the eyes to adjust to changes in light when you come in from outside. This vitamin is also important for women who are pregnant. Vitamin A helps the baby’s teeth and bones to develop. However, consuming too much of vitamin A can cause birth defects, so be careful of your dosage. 

Vitamin B-1 ( Niacin) can be found in pork, whole-grain cereals, rye and whole-wheat flour, wheat germ and beans (navy and kidney). Vitamin B1 converts blood sugar into energy. It is also essential for your nervous system,

Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) can be found in riboflavin-enriched breads and cereals, red meats, green (leafy) vegetables and dairy products. It is necessary for red cell production and body development. It also promotes healthy skin and good vision.

Vitamin B6
This can be found in poultry, pork, fish, eggs, soybeans, oats, whole grains, bananas, nuts and seeds. Vitamin B6 assists with brain function and the body’s ability to convert protein to energy.

B12 can be found in Meat, milk products, eggs, cheese, chicken and fish. Vitamin B12 works with folic acid in the production of red blood cells. It also keeps our central nervous system healthy. Vitamin C (also call ascorbic acid) can be found in citrus juices and fruits, tomatoes, berries, potatoes with skins, red and green peppers, broccoli, and spinach. This vitamin helps promote healthy teeth and gums. It also strengthens our immune systems, prevents cell damage, helps to heal wounds and helps our bodies to absorb iron.

Folic Acid (also called B-9) can be found in orange juice (fortified juices), leafy green veggies, broccoli, asparagus, mushrooms, liver, dried beans, peas and fortified cereals and grain products. If you are a mother or a plan on being a mother one day, you have probably heard the importance of taking folic acid before the baby is born. Many of the prenatal vitamins contain folic acid.
Folic acid has been found to reduce risk of birth defects, including problems with the spine.

Vitamin E can be found in wheat germ, vegetable oil, margarine, avocado, whole grain products, egg yolk, nuts, liver and peanut butter. Vitamin E acts as an antioxidant which helps to fight free radicals that cause damage to our bodies. It also contributes to a healthy circulatory system, helps in enabling our blood to clot and improves healing of wounds. Vitamin E is also good for healthy skin and hair.

Some of the foods containing iron are oysters, egg yolks, lean red meat, dried fruit, nuts, iron-fortified bread and cereal, and dark leafy green vegetables. Iron keeps our red blood cells healthy, carries oxygen throughout our bodies and prevents anemia


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