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How to cure skin problem at home

Today we will talk about the care of problem skin. How to support her health at home, without resorting to expensive procedures? Is it possible to improve its situation and to solve at least some of the problems, because that afflict our appearance?
First, let’s define some terms. First of all, we should clarify what is meant by problem skin? The most common ordinary people think it’s – Teenager skin covered with pimples and blackheads. In fact, the so-called skin, which has a certain serious problems, worsening of its kind. It can be not only acne, but also redness, peeling, excessive dryness, susceptibility to allergies, premature aging. Home for problem skin care needs as fully as possible to meet all of its requirements – only in this case it will be effective.
That is, before you choose the means of care for problem skin, it is necessary to formulate precisely for themselves, with what kind of problem we are going to fight.

Dry facial skin problem

Typically, this type of skin is extremely sensitive: in the most standard assets purchased it reacts rash and defamation. And no wonder – the amount of preservatives in them sometimes exceeds all reasonable standards. Care for problem skin in this case is to pursue the main goal: comfort her as much as possible and as much as possible intensively moisturize.

What can you advise of care for dry problem skin?

In order to avoid irritation, it is necessary to wash the most gentle means. Moreover, they can be prepared independently, e.g., based on potato starch. Mix a tablespoon of starch and cold water and rub the mixture into a thick mass. Then add to it half a cup of boiling water and dissolve the paste in water. The resulting mixture pour a liter of water at room temperature and use for daily washing.
Also, care for problem skin, prone to dryness, involves the regular use of soothing and moisturizing masks. Doing their best natural products.

The soothing and moisturizing facial masks for oily skin. Simple recipes at home.

  • A great option – a mixture of cottage cheese and grated on a fine grater cucumber. You can mix the cottage cheese and other fruits and vegetables (carrots, banana, blueberries), but only if there is no allergy to all of these useful sweets.
  • Excellent soothe and soften dry skin mask of grated or boiled potatoes. Also, from time to time, you can lubricate the skin just slightly warmed olive oil.
In order to achieve the result, remember that care should be a regular and elaborate.

Care for oily problem skin

Leather with increased activity of the sebaceous glands gives a lot of problems. Here and blackheads and enlarged pores and acne, and huge subcutaneous pimples. And if you add to this list and a permanent shine and marks embossed spots, the picture will be very terrible. But to solve all of these problems is possible.
The first step towards the normalization condition of the skin – it is a competent cleansing. If the acne a lot, most of all, at the initial stage will need a professional facial cleansing at the beautician. This will help get rid of the maximum number of acne and clear clogged pores of the skin, which is very important. It is equally important to regularly clean the skin at home. Washing twice a day – a necessary minimum without which the dream of success does not make sense.
What is best to clean the skin? By means of salicylic acid, tar soap, decoction of chamomile or sage. They clearly are struggling with acne, without drying the skin at the same time.
Very well lubricated regularly face any base oil, to which are added a few drops of tea tree oil. Keep a makeshift mask on the face should be no longer than 15 minutes.

What face masks can be recommended for the care of oily problem skin?

Suitable oily skin problem and masks of egg white and dandelion leaves, oat flakes and baking soda, as well as cosmetic clay.
Important! Learn before you choose one or the other problem skin care, reviews of it – it will help avoid common mistakes and significantly shorten the way to the cherished goal. And do not forget that every care should be a system – the only way to get a healthy and beautiful skin without rashes and greasy. Comprehensive Care for problem skin, regardless of its type and specific features, guarantees a good result.


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