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Stress in children

Causes and sources of stress in children

With their protector role, parents often tend to think that their child's world is always happy and safe. After all, children do not have to work or bills to pay, so what could worry them?
And many things! Even very young children have their worries and can feel stress at certain levels. Stress is a reaction of our body following an event and its good management depends on our ability to have the right attitude during this event.

The sources of stress in children.

Stress comes most often from outside sources (such as family, friends or school), but it can also come from within. The pressure we put on our shoulders can reach high levels because there is often a gap between the situation as it is and the situation as it is perceived.
Stress can affect anyone, even a child, feeling overwhelmed by events. A two-year-old, for example, may feel stressed because the person he needs to feel good (a parent) is not sufficiently present. In children ready to enter school, separation from parents is the biggest cause of anxiety.

As the child grows up, academic pressures and group pressure (especially the one in which he wants to be integrated) cause stress and anxiety. In addition, parents sometimes add stress to their children's lives without realizing it. For example, parents who have done very well in their lives generally have high expectations for children, who may not have the same motivation or goals in life. Parents who push their children to excite themselves in sport or enroll them in too many activities can also create stress and frustration for their children if they do not share the same desires.

Many teachers feel that many children are too busy outside of school and do not have time to relax or unwind after school. Children who begin to complain about the number of activities in which they are enrolled, or who refuse to go, send a clear signal to their parent. In this case, it is advisable to talk with your child about how he approaches his extra-curricular activities. Discuss with him the pros and cons of stopping one of his activities. If you consider that giving up is out of the question for him or her, help him find solutions to help him better manage his time and responsibilities so that he feels less anxious.

Your child's stress level can increase by other things than what happens to him in his own life. For example, does he hear about your troubles at work, your financial problems or even your arguments? You have to be careful about how you talk about this type of problem when your children are not far away because they will take some of your anxiety and start to worry about the situation themselves is a priori by their problem.

Finally, remember that aggravating factors such as illness, death of a loved one or divorce can cause stress in your child. When one of these factors is added to the small daily stresses of the children, the feeling of anxiety becomes stronger. Even divorce that would occur in the best possible conditions between parents can be a difficult experience for children because their original system of protection (their family) breaks down and will undergo a change. Divorced or separated parents should never ask their child to choose their side or imply negative comments from one parent about their spouse.

What are the symptoms of stress in children?

It is not always easy to recognize the symptoms of stress in children. Short-term behavioral changes such as mood changes, sleep disturbances or even bed-wetting can be indicators of stress. Some children even feel the physical effects of stress such as stomach upset or headaches. Others have problems concentrating or have difficulty doing their homework. Younger children can react to stress by taking new habits such as starting to suck their thumb, putting their fingers in their hair to make curls or even to put their finger in the nose. Older children can lie or want to challenge authority. A stressed child can have nightmares,

What are the causes of stress in children?

Stress is a physical, chemical and emotional response of our body to an exciting, confusing or confusing situation. Children of all ages can experience stress, but how they respond will depend on their age, temperament, and family environment. Children experience two types of stress. The first is what is called normative stress, which appears at every stage of a child's development. Learning to walk, talk, use the toilet, make friends are events that can be stressful for children. These are forms of stress that are beneficial to the child because they will help him to grow and become independent.

The second form of stress is stress related to changes or significant events during a lifetime that can disturb or anger your child. The situations that can trigger this kind of stress are:
  • Divorce . When parents divorce, or when they argue, the child feels insecure and feels threatened to lose something, to the point of feeling alone or afraid.
  • The move . Children who move from home leave the community, school, and group of friends with whom they feel good. This can trigger a feeling of insecurity, confusion and anxiety.
  • Death . Children are very disturbed by death, whether by a family member, a friend, or their pet. A child may think that he is in one way or another responsible for the death of the loved one which can trigger a great feeling of guilt and stress.
  • The overload of activities . Running from school to sport to music lessons without taking time to rest can cause anxiety and stress in children.
  • The pressure of the entourage . School-aged children can be influenced by what other children think of them and how they act. The desire to conform to the fashions and habits of the groups he or she lives on can cause stress in the child.


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