How to realize fitness goals? Regardless of which diet you follow or what kind of workout routine you choose, the following 7 things are paramount in realizing your fitness goals. Create Habits When designing your workout plan or diet, focus on creating long-term habits. Ask yourself the following 2 questions: 1) Is this something I can realistically do for the next month? 2) Is this something I see myself doing for the rest of my life? You’re better off starting with 30 minutes at the gym twice a week and doing it for 3 months, than an hour everyday but you gradually stop going altogether after 2 weeks. After you’ve been going for a few months, it will be a lot easier to do 45 min 3 times a week and so on. It will be habit at this point. Same goes for dieting; start slowly changing your diet and expand from there. It will feel easy and help you a lot more in the long run. Consistency Part of creating new habits, is ...
A health blog can cover most of the topics such as nutrition and diet, fitness, weight control, diseases, disease management,beauty, societal trends affecting health etc. This page gives you health, fitness and beauty related tips.